Sunday 25 August 2019

Planting Alfalfa: How To Grow Alfalfa - Tree Homes

Alfalfa is widely cultivated for animal feeding or as a soil and soil conditioner for cover crops. Alfalfa is a natural source of nitrogen and is extremely nutritious. It is perfect for soil improvement and control of erosion. The comprehensive root system of Alfalfa nourishes crops as well as soil. For generations, the alfalfa plant has been grown and growing alfalfa in your garden is simple. It is possible to grow alfalfa seeds in either light or dark places. Those who are grown in the light are going to be greener and taste stronger. If you prefer to sprout white, grow it in a dark place.
Planting Alfalfa: How To Grow Alfalfa - Tree Homes
How to Planting Alfalfa

Alfalfa roots rapidly, profound planting is not required — only about a half-inch deep. Sprinkle the seeds on the soil uniformly and cover with dirt lightly. Use approximately 1⁄4 pound of seeds per 25 square feet and 18-24 inches of space rows.

Within seven to 10 days you should start seeing sprouts. Once seedlings have reached 6 to 12 inches, thin them as required to prevent problems with overcrowding. Growing alfalfa as livestock hay, enables it to grow until the plants are prepared to be planted or its purple flowers appear, at which point you can simply mow it to the ground or leave it. The shoots of alfalfa breakdown. This' green manure' will then fertilize the soil and boost microbial activity, which will also aerate it.


Having a strong seedbed is a critical step in ensuring excellent alfalfa seed germination. Firm seedbeds decrease planting possibilities too deep and assist keep humidity closer to the ground. Packing the soil will assist guarantee solid seedbed and excellent retention of soil moisture.

Seed should be coated with sufficient soil to provide humid germination conditions. Sowing 1⁄4 to 1⁄2 inch deep in most soils at prices of 10 to 25 lb seed/acre is suitable.


Alfalfa can be collected between the late budding phase and the early bloom phase, resulting in high-quality feed returns without decreasing the quality to a low stand. Alfalfa can be harvested twice for direct feeding to livestock without any detrimental impact on winter survival and baled as hay.

Growing Tips

Before purchasing check the alfalfa seed to make sure the inoculation date is not more than six months old and that seed have been placed in a cool, dry place.