Monday 26 August 2019

Everything You Need To Know About Chervil | Tree Homes

Chervil is one of the traditional fines herbs, a sensitive, parsley-like plant with a hint of licorice. Chervil is a great partner for brassicas, lettuce, and radishes, but in portion shade, it does best. Try to grow some among tall cabbage and kale rows. Chervil is helpful in repelling slugs. Fresh chervil leaves are valued for their anise aroma and in many good herbal mixtures are a popular component. Fish, chicken, salads, omelets, and sauces are young leaves.
Everything You Need To Know About Chervil | Tree Homes
How to Planting Chervil

Chervil is propagated most frequently by seed. Chervil seed should be planted outdoors approximately two weeks before the last frost. The seeds need light to germinate, so they should be planted outdoors in exposed 1/2-1 inch profound furrows.

In spring and fall, chervil seeds can be sown, Chervil is good for growing in containers or big tubes. The seedlings are too brittle for transplantation, so they should be planted permanently. Sow a cluster of 5 plants just below the soil surface, 12 inches apart in each group, cover with soil and firm down. Keep water at all times with the chervil.  When the seedlings are about 2 inches high, between crops thin to 4 inches.  Partial shade in summer and sun in winter, in a somewhat sheltered region, like under a deciduous tree, is the perfect place for chervil.  It is possible to pick Chervil at any moment of the year.


Some nine weeks after sowing, young leaves should be prepared for harvesting. Cut and use as needed fresh. Alternatively, for winter use, cut leaves and freeze. Once the plant begins to flower, leaves are unusable.


To dry, on a sunny morning, cut a lot of stems, bind them loosely and hang them out of the sun in a dry, airy place. Or, on a cookie sheet at the smallest heat, dry herbs in the oven for 2-3 hours, leaving the window open. Store herbs in a tightly closed glass bottle in a dry, dark place, like a cupboard, when fully dry.

Indoors, too, Chervil develops well. It's best for cooler locations. Keep it away from radiators and heat ducts. Place it in a window where four hours of sunshine a day is received. Don't let your soil dry entirely.