Thursday 12 September 2019

Potatoes: Planting, and Harvesting Potatoes | Benefits of Potato

Benefits of Potatoes

High fruit and vegetable consumption can benefit health and decrease the risk of many health circumstances related to lifestyle.

Potatoes contain significant nutrients that can benefit human health in different ways, even when cooked.
Potatoes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Potatoes,Potatoes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Potatoes | Benefits of Potato
Growing Potatoes
The reason potatoes have spread so rapidly across the globe and have been adopted so extensively is because they are a storehouse of energy and nutrition, including vitamins, minerals, and vital organic compounds.

Skin Care

Vitamin C and B-complex are good for the skin, as are minerals like potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc. 7] Furthermore, when mixed with honey, pulp from crushed raw potatoes can work well in skin and face packs. This even enables the cure of the pimples and spots of the skin. Again, when applied externally to burns, this pulp provides quick relief and faster healing. Smashed potatoes and even washed water, especially around the elbows, are very good to soften and clean dark skin.

Potatoes Varieties To Grow

There are over 100 potato varieties.

There are four fundamental categories of potatoes: long whites, red whites, russets, and greens. With yellow or bluish-purple skins, you can also grow potatoes.
Potatoes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Potatoes,Potatoes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Potatoes | Benefits of Potato
Potatoes Varieties
The flesh of potatoes can be white or match the color of the skin: red, yellow or blue.

Potatoes can be round, cylindrical or finger-like, and can be classified as moist or dry. Dry potatoes are great for baking and mashing (such as' Russet Burbank' and' Butte ' variants). When cooked, moist potatoes fall apart; soups are a great option.

Check the particular suggestions for your region for your cooperative extension service.

Growing Potatoes

Within two to three weeks, shoots should poke over the floor. They will tolerate very light frosts, but if something colder is predicted, they are best covered with row cover.

Start filling up your potatoes once they reach six inches (15 cm) high. Hilling mounds the soil along the line to encourage more tubers to grow and decrease the danger of exposure to light that makes them green. Use a hoe to draw around the shoots the surrounding soil, leaving exposed the very tops. Each time the foliage reaches a comparable height above ground level, the hill in phases like this, and proceed until either the mounds are afoot big or the foliage above is closed.
Early remove weeds, but potatoes that are rapidly growing will quickly crowd out any contest. For all this development, however, potatoes need sufficient moisture. In dry weather, water carefully allows tubers to develop to their complete potential, free of cracks or hollows.

Potatoes Care

Do not allow sunlight to fall on the tubers that grow beneath the soil's surface or turn green.

Do the morning hills when crops are at their highest. Plants begin drooping during the heat of the day.

Maintain even humidity, particularly from the time sprouts appear up to a few weeks after they bloom. The crops require 1 to 2 inches per week of water. If right after planting, you water too much and not enough as the potatoes start to develop, the tubers may become misfits.

When the plant is about 6 inches high, the last hilling should be performed before the potato crops bloom. Heat up the dirt around the plant's foundation to cover the tubers and sustain the plant.

Hilling prevents the sunburning of the potatoes, which can cause them to turn green and generate a chemical called solanine. Solanine is poisonous and gives off a bitter taste.

Harvesting Potatoes

As quickly as the crops start to flower a few months after planting, you can harvest tiny tubers as' fresh' vegetables. From this stage on, continue harvesting early varieties in phases, allowing the remaining crops to continue growing until necessary. This staggered harvesting strategy enables you to appreciate fresh and tastiest potatoes.
Potatoes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Potatoes,Potatoes: Planting, Growing, and Harvesting Potatoes | Benefits of Potato
Harvesting Potatoes
Maincrop potatoes are generally collected in the late summer or early autumn after the leaves have died back. Leave the tubers underground for another two weeks, then lift them with a fork on a dry day, be careful not to pierce any of the tubers accidentally. Brush off excess soil, allow the potatoes to dry for a few hours, then store in a cool, but free of frost, place out of the light.