Thursday 12 September 2019

Muskmelon Grow Guide -

Geranium melons are a good powerhouse, charged with so many nutrients that they look almost like a superhero of fruits. They are abundantly available in the summers and have super high water content in them making them cool and hydrate. Know why as the season progresses, you should consume more muskmelons. They not only have a pleasant aroma, but they also smell amazing. Their seeds have a lot of health benefits as well.
Muskmelon Grow Guide,Muskmelon Grow Guide -

Using black plastic mulch to grow melons will retain humidity, control weeds in the row, and provide earlier harvesting. Hills of two plants or seeds in the center of plastic strips should be spaced three feet apart. The plastic is put in five-foot centers, with the plant center in one line being in the next row five feet from the plant center. For transplantation, melon crops can be bought or began in peat pots or pellets about 25 days before the planting period.

The melon seed will germinate at hot temperatures more evenly and quickly, thus maintaining freshly grown transplants at 85 to 90 degrees F for three days after seeding. Then decrease the temperature to 70 degrees F until it is prepared to harden, which implies that the transplants are exposed to moderate environmental stress before being transplanted into the field or garden.

Because melon crops are highly susceptible to freezing temperatures, they should not be laid until all frost risk has gone. Muskmelons can also be seeded directly by cutting plastic holes, but this can delay harvesting.


.Cantaloupe loves soil that is loamy and well-drained. Gently handle them when you are transplanting. Before planting and after planting, add loads of compost to the region.

.Mulching with black plastic will serve various aims: warming the soil, hindering the development of weeds, and keeping clean fruits.

.Fertilize when growing vines.

.Row cover is a nice way of keeping pests in the bay.

.While melon crops grow, bloom and set fruit, they need 1 to 2 inches per week of water. Water in the morning, and try to avoid wetting the leaves. Reduce watering as soon as the fruit grows. The sweetest melon is produced by dry weather.

.If during the maturing phase, you had an outstanding quantity of precipitation, this could cause bland fruit.

.The prune ends buds of the vines once the fruit starts to develop. Your crops may generate fewer melons, but they're going to be bigger and better.

.Separately on the same plant, vines generate masculine and female flowers. They often start to produce male flowers a few weeks before the women appear. (Don't be discouraged when the first blooms don't generate fruit.) Blossoms involve fruit spreading pollination, so be kind to the bees!


When the melons are mature, many muskmelons and cantaloupes naturally separate from the stem, so they come off the vine with only a gentle tug. When tapped, melons that don't "slip" often sound hollow and a yellowish cast takes on the skin color. Clean the harvested melons and store them indoors or in the refrigerator in a cool location.