Thursday 12 September 2019

Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide - Health Benefits

 Health benefits of bananas

There are fresh bananas accessible throughout the year. Unlike other fruits, after being picked, the ripening method of bananas will not slow down. It is necessary to store bananas at room temperature.
Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide,Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide - Health Benefits
Banana Trees
The hotter the temperature will ripen the quicker bananas. However, bananas should be refrigerated to slow ripening. The banana's exterior peel will obscure, but the banana itself will remain intact for longer.

Place the banana in a brown paper bag at room temperature to encourage faster maturation.

1 In 2008, a popular diet fad known as the Morning Banana Diet recommended eating a morning banana with water, eating a normal lunch and dining before 8 pm.

For a more nutritious breakfast, add a sliced banana to your morning cereal or oatmeal.

Like apple sauce, it is possible to substitute oil or butter with ripe mashed bananas in baked goods. Mashed bananas give muffins, cookies, and cakes a moist, naturally sweet taste.

Peel and freeze bananas to make any smoothie a good addition.

Add sliced banana to your cereal or oatmeal in the morning, or bring a banana with you for a good, mobile snack on your manner to work or college.


Bananas are wealthy in a potassium mineral. This mineral is essential as it helps to keep fluid concentrations in the body and controls the motion in and out of cells of nutrients and waste products.
Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide,Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide - Health Benefits
Potassium also enables contracting muscles and responding to nerve cells. It keeps the heart working frequently and can decrease the blood pressure impact of sodium.

Potassium may decrease the risk of developing kidney stones as individuals age. In turn, healthy kidneys ensure that the body keeps the correct quantity of potassium.

A medium-sized banana includes 422 mg potassium. Trying to get potassium from nutritional sources like bananas is best. Otherwise, online purchases of potassium supplements are accessible.

Growing Banana Trees in Pots

Banana is a lush green, rapidly growing plant that can offer a tropical look and feel to any location. Many varieties become great houseplants that need little care and grow very fast.

Dwarf banana trees varieties can grow between 2 and 4 meters anywhere. Compared to normal banana trees with a height of up to 15 meters.
Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide,Banana Tree Plant: Care and Growing Guide - Health Benefits
Banana Trees
How Do Bananas Grow?

Bananas, though often called banana palms, are not true trees, not even palm trees. Bananas are herbs that are perennial.

(Gingers, heliconias, and bird-of-paradise flowers are remote parents of bananas. Zingiberales are in the same order.) Banana stems consist of all the leaf stalks wrapped around one another. New leaves begin to grow indoors, under the floor. They push up the center and emerge from the crown center. That's how the flower transforms into a bunch of bananas.

Here is a series of pictures illustrating how the flower first looks and how the bananas appear and curl up to the light.

Those photographs have been taken over a few days. You can see this happening fairly much. But now, depending on the temperature, it will take another two months or so for the fruit to fill out and lastly mature.

It requires about 9 months for a banana plant to develop and generate a lot of bananas. Then the plant's mom dies. But there are plenty of suckers or pups around the foundation, little baby plants.

There is a large rhizome called the corm at the base of a banana plant below the floor.

There are many increasing points in the rhizome and they transform into fresh suckers/pups. The suckers can be removed and transplanted, and the mother plant can be replaced by one or two.

Great, so now you understand what to do when bananas grow in your garden.

How to Plant and Care for a Banana Plant

It may seem like time in March or April to plant the banana plant on one of those hot days. After all, from the tip of the dormant plant, you may see a hint of green peeking up. But stop planting it outdoors until it's hot at night. Temperatures below 55 degrees Fahrenheit do not like tropical crops. Planting in your area is best after the frost date that's the day you can be sure it won't go below 32 degrees F at night anymore. Traditionally, that day has been Mother's Day in my region.

.Choose a site with plenty of space to plant. Remember the big leaves and how they are spreading.
.Plant in sunny weather. A little shade of the afternoon is all right.
.Dig a hole twice as deep and twice as large as the banana plant's root ball.
.Throw some compost into the hole or some enhanced soil.
.Set the root ball in the hole, fill it with wealthy, loose soil.
.Gently tamp down the soil.
.A little liquid fertilizer is added.
.Every couple of days, water. Don't let the land get soggy.
.You understand the tree has taken root when the first leaf starts to  Often waterless.