Friday 9 August 2019

How to Grow and Care for Snapdragon Plants - Tree Homes

Growing snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus) in the flower bed offers a cool seasonal color and a medium-sized plant for balancing high background crops and smaller front bedding plants. Learn how to develop early spring flowers with snapdragon. With dwarf, medium and tall flowering stems, there are numerous varieties of snapdragon that provide a variety of colors to operate in the garden. With the exception of blue, snapdragons are available in most colors and coordinate or contrast with other early spring bloomers. The snapdragon's height can be as high as 3 feet or as short as 6 inches. One of the first late winter building assignments can be to plant snapdragons out. This fragrant specimen can manage frost, so begin planting snapdragons for most abundant flower and quality early in the gardening season.

How to Grow and Care for Snapdragon Plants - Tree Homes
How to grow Snapdragon

Snapdragon care should include a couple of well-placed videos to manipulate this plant into a bushy, filled-out specimen after planting snapdragons in a complete sun place with well-draining soil. To promote more flowers and more appealing planting, clip the top stem and any lengthy side shoots. Tall snapdragon varieties may involve staking to stay upright. Clip the plant by one-third to one-half when flowers start to disappear owing to summer heat and expect more flowers when temperatures start to cool down in fall. In the summer flower bed, intermingle snapdragon plantings with heat-loving Angelonia for a likewise shaped plant. Additional snapdragon care involves adequate watering. Keep moist for the first few weeks when you grow snapdragon. Once developed, frequent watering is included in snapdragon care. Provide in times of no rainfall roughly one inch of water per week. Water close the plant's crown and prevent overhead watering to maintain a good snapdragon. Once formed, before watering, let the soil dry about an inch profound. Snapdragon care involves removing flowers that have been spent. Mulch is suitable to grow snapdragon. Although mostly sold as annual, they may be encouraged to return next year by adequate care of snapdragons, as they are in fact a short-lived perennial plant.

Varieties of Snapdragons

.There are tall varieties and dwarf varieties, and in between, there is just about everything. Check the variety label or packet you choose.

.Dwarf crops mature at about 6 to 15 inches in height and form thick, bushy crops with lots of stalks of flowers.

.Tall varieties tend to be less bushy and spikier in habit, reaching 30 to 48 inches in height.

.Some varieties are bridging the two extremes, growing from 15 to 30 inches in medium size. Of course, increasing circumstances will also rely on the actual size and fullness of the crops.

Growing Tips

Keep well-watered and weeded crops. Mulch beds to maintain the soil moist uniformly. Stake larger varieties to prevent curvature of the flower stalks, particularly when used for cut flowers. Fertilize with organic plant food every month.


Spacing depends on your snapdragons ' ultimate size, which can be between eight inches and four feet wide anywhere.

If there is not enough rain, water frequently and remove any weeds. Mulching will assist to preserve water and maintain down the weeds. Your crops will continue to bloom until the climate gets too warm if you remove the spent flowers. The stems are cut down to about five inches from the floor when the crops stop producing flowers. Water well, and you'll probably get another flowers flush before the crops are killed by frost.

Snapdragon Pests and Diseases

A number of fungal diseases are susceptible to snapdragons. Good circulation of air in the garden, avoidance of overhead watering and cleaning of the garden region will assist to prevent these issues.