Wednesday 21 August 2019

How to Grow and Care for Kangaroo Paw Plants | Tree Homes

You've likely heard of Australia's kangaroos, but did you know there's a kangaroo paw plant? The kangaroo paw plant has nothing to do with kangaroos, except that Australia is home to both the plant and the animal. These crops are so common that they are Western Australia's official floral emblem, where they have been growing for millions of years.

Plants with kangaroo paw have flowers that look like fans and grow in rows. They look like an animal's paw, which explains its name. The Nyoongar, an indigenous or native Australian aboriginal people, called these flowers ' nol-la-mara.' The kangaroo paw of Mangle, a red and green plant type, was used in aboriginal medicine.
How to Grow and Care for Kangaroo Paw Plants | Tree Homes
kangaroo paw
Kangaroo paw crops only grow in tropical environments, where it is comparatively warm and the temperature remains the same throughout the year. There is also a lot of rainfall in tropical environments, making them perfect places for crops to grow. In reality, if they have at least one inch of rainfall each week, kangaroo paw crops develop best.

How to Grow Kangaroo paw

In the spring or summer, plant your kangaroo paw seeds in pots. In about four weeks, the seeds should sprout. Maintain the moist soil, but don't overwater. Kangaroo paw requires soil that is well-drained.

Transplant your kangaroo paw into the ground once it's a few inches (at least 5 centimeters) tall — when it's too small, it won't survive. However, hold the kangaroo paw in a pot if you live in a cold climate so you can take it indoors in the winter.

Keep the crops indoors subjected to plenty of natural indirect sunlight. In early summer, split your full-grown kangaroo paw into clumps and replant the clumps. This will assist guarantee a vigorous growth of your kangaroo paw.

When replanting, do not touch the delicate roots. When the temperature falls below 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4.4 degrees Celsius), move your kangaroo paw inside. Water your spring and summer kangaroo paw once a week and less often in the fall. During the winter, do not water the plant when it is dormant.


Low maintenance is the kangaroo paw care. These crops can basically be planted and left alone, requiring minimal water and attention. If they need a drink of water from time to time, they will let you know by dropping their leaves. This makes kangaroo paws the perfect candidate for gardeners who have previously had difficulty growing flowers.

Growing Tips

Planting can occur from March to October or early November at any time. If you're using mulch to ensure that you don't cover the plant's crown. If necessary, you can add in spring a slow-release fertilizer.

As pot crops, kangaroo paws do very well. Make sure you use a potting mix with excellent drainage and particularly maintain the plant well-nourished and watered while it is flowering.

By maintaining crops in complete sun, light soil, and not overcrowding the crops, remove damaged foliage and stop the fungus.