Sunday 18 August 2019

Growing Turnips - Information On How To Grow Turnips | Tree Homes

Information about turnip

Turnips are vegetables that can be cultivated in spring and fall, avoiding the warm summer months. They mature very fast and both the greens and the roots can be enjoyed.

Many gardeners love to grow their garden's turnip roots. Turnips (Brassica campestris L.) do well with carrots and radishes like any root vegetable. They are simple to look after and can be grown either in the spring, so you have turnips for a fall crop throughout the summer, or in the late summer.
Growing Turnips - Information On How To Grow Turnips | Tree Homes
What's great about turnips is that in just a few days they germinate. You can appreciate their bright greens within a month and eat the sticky roots within a second month. Try them as a potato replacement.

How to Grow turnip

Plant the turnips soon if you are planting a summer crop. If you're planting to store turnips throughout the winter, plant to harvest turnips late in the summer before the first frost. Turnips usually involve a complete sun place, but partial shade will be tolerated, particularly if you plan to harvest the plant for its greens.

It's simple to prepare the bed for turnip crops to grow in. Just rake it and hoe it for planting as usual. Sprinkle the seeds and gently rake them in once you're done and the dirt isn't too moist. Growing turnips should be performed at a pace of three to 20 plants per foot with plants in the soil about 1/2 inch deep. Water for velocity germination instantly after planting.

Thin the crops to about 4 inches (10 cm) apart once you discover your turnips growing to offer plants plenty of space to create nice roots. Plant them at ten-day intervals when planting turnips, which will allow you to grow turnips throughout the season to harvest every few weeks.


Turnips do not need much care, but it is essential to have stable soil moisture. Keep the soil slightly moist, watering at a pace of 1 inch per week to avoid harsh and bitter roots.


Although the tiny crops can be eaten early on, the finest greens are at least four inches long; young leaves are best for salads, while older leaves generally need to cook. Snip leaves thoroughly, taking from each plant only about one third. Plants will develop more leaves rapidly, and you can harvest until the crops begin to die, start flowering, or the hot weather will make the leaves bitter.

Because the leaves are mildly hairy, they should be rinsed instantly after harvest and again before cooking. Shake off surplus moisture and store for up to three or four days in airtight containers in the refrigerator; rapidly lose flavor and quality.

From May to September, when the size of a golf ball to eat straight or the size of a tennis ball to cook, pull the turnips. Lift the turnips at the size of a golf ball from mid-October onwards.

March and April harvest. Leave crops to re-spring as it is possible to obtain several cuts.