Friday 16 August 2019

Growing Black - Eyed Peas | Tree Homes

Black-eyed peas may be the best-known cowpea variety. Also known as Southern peas, crowder peas, and field peas, they are heat-loving legumes. The most prevalent variety is white with a small black spot around the mature pea seed scar and has a tanning green hull. Other color patterns are numerous: red, violet, silver, spots, tan, yellow hulls; white, black, tan, calico, red, pink and more peas. The requirements will be similar, whether you want to grow the most famous or the most unique.
Black-eyed peas
Planting and Growing

Do not even consider planting them until there is no risk of a late frost. They're just not going to tolerate cool, humid weather. They also do not transplant well, if you begin indoor black-eyed peas, it is recommended to do so in peat pots that can be put straight in the soil without disturbing the root system. You may also consider warming the soil using a black plastic mulch.

Once the risk of frost is gone and the soil temperatures reach at least 65 degrees F, they can be seeded straight into your garden. Sow seeds as directed on the seed packet for your specific type, generally about 1.5 inches deep. Varieties of Bush tend to need a little more plant room.

There is a need for regular watering, do not drown them, just keep them watered when rainfall is not enough. Light watering is best during drought and dry spells. Try to maintain the soil moist evenly.


If rainfall is scarce, additional water may be required for peas crops, although they are often effectively cultivated without additional irrigation. Fertilizer should be restricted, as too much nitrogen can cause the leaf to grow lushly and few peas to develop. Soils differ in the type and quantity of fertilizer required; before planting, you can determine your soil demands by taking a soil test.

Growing Tips

Don't attempt planting outdoors early in the summer to get a head start. The soil has to be hot or the seeds are going to die. If you need to extend your growing season, you can attempt to warm the soil by covering it with black plastic and hoping that the sun will shine on it.

Seeds are generally sown directly and about one inch deep should be planted. There are black-eyed peas varieties of bush and vineyards. Plant two feet apart from the vines. You can just broadcast the kinds of the tree or plant them every two to three inches.


Information that comes with black-eyed pea seeds will show how many days to maturity, usually 60 to 90 days after planting. Harvest up to a few weeks for several days, depending on the type you planted. Before ripening, harvest the black-eyed peas plant for young, tender snaps. At younger phases, leaves are also edible, prepared in the same manner as spinach and other greens.