Wednesday 2 October 2019

Tulips Meaning | Tulip Meaning And History - Tree homes

You need to look at its history to comprehend the significance of the tulip. Tulips were regarded as a luxury from Central Asia and the Middle East and were first brought from Turkey into Europe in the 16th century. Side note, Turkey's national flower is the tulip. Soon afterward, tulips were spread all over Holland resulting in an exceptional supply and demand that ultimately led the tulip industry to collapse. Holland, as well as other flowers, is still renowned for its tulips today and has been affectionately dubbed the "world's flower shop."

Tulips have been regarded as symbols of love and romance, but they may have many other symbolic significances. Some nations regard the Tulip flower as a national flower and see it in nature as a living being more essential than others.

Meaning of Tulip

Tulips generally symbolize fame, love, passion, the ideal lover, and romance, but each color also has unique meanings. A range of colored tulips symbolize elegance and grace; the significance of pink tulips relates to attachment and excellent wishes; the significance of purple tulips relates to royalty and rebirth; the significance of yellow tulips relates to cheerful ideas and sunshine; the significance of orange refers to fascination, joy, and warmth; the significance of white tulips relates to royalty and rebirth; the significance of red tulips relates to real love and romance; So let these meanings guide you when it comes to sending a bouquet of beautiful tulips or a blended bouquet with tulips. Knowing the significance of tulip flowers reflects your feelings completely when you give someone a bouquet from your understanding of tulip facts.
Tulips Meaning | Tulip Meaning And History - Tree homes
Meaning of Tulip
Symbolism of Tulip

The Tulip is a classic love flower. It was regarded as a symbol of paradise on earth by the Turkish people who initially cultivated the flower, making it a part of many religious and secular poems and art pieces. While the Ottoman empire planted the bulbs to remind them of heaven and eternal life, it was regarded by the Dutch who popularized the flower as a reminder of how short life might be. The connection to love and passion evolved mainly in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries, but this does not detract from the symbolism strength behind this flower.


Because of the turban form of the flower, the name' Tulip' originated from the Persian word ' del band.' Another reason for its connection with Turkey is that local people would often decorate with tulip stems from their turbans.

Tulips are associated with another common spring flora, the lily. Like lilies, onions, garlic, and asparagus (another Dutch favorite), they are part of the Liliaceae family.

Tulips are generally sweetly scented and can grow from a few inches to more than two feet high depending on the type. They are also accessible in any rainbow color except that pure blue varieties are not accessible.

Uses of Tulip

Tulips are the most popular in the form of table ornaments, bridal bouquets, and general decoration used as wedding flowers. When used for gardening reasons, tulips with their array of lovely colors can really brighten up the room. 

Tulip bulbs are edible and during cooking, they are a great replacement for onions. Tulip bulbs can be added to meal and cereal products in a dry powder. Also, edible tulip flowers are commonly used to add color and texture to salads.

Many Persian poets used tulips for inspiring reasons as far back as the 13th century.

Friday 27 September 2019

Rose color meanings for each rose color - Tree homes

If you're not sure what kind of roses to send to your special person, check out these rose-colored meanings for each bouquet type.

Roses are red, pink, and a lot of other colors. Passion Growers knows that giving roses as a gift shows the recipient's deep appreciation and feelings towards them. We offer this traditional rose color guide to help with your purchase decision, but we also believe that giving roses means giving your loved ones (or even yourself) the colors that make them really happy.

Red Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
The red rose represents true love, one of the most universal of all symbols. It has also appeared as a political and religious symbol throughout history and cultures.
Long associated with beauty and perfection, red roses are a time-honored way of saying "I love you." Whether it's a birthday, Valentine's Day or simply expressing appreciation on any old day, there's no better way to express your feelings than a 
bouquet of red roses.

White Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homesWhite roses represent innocence, purity and charm, the purist of colors. Traditionally, white roses are used in marriages and can represent new beginnings.
The white rose is a traditional wedding flower, also known as the bridal rose. White represents unity, virtue, and purity of new love in this sense. White roses are also associated with honor and reverence, making them an appropriate memorial for a loved one who has passed away.

Yellow Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
What comes to mind when thinking about a yellow rose is bright, cheerful and joyful. You feel warm and pleased with yellow roses. You can tell you the enjoyment and friendship you share by giving yellow roses. A pleasant and pleasant feeling is the yellow color.

Lavender Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes

Lavender roses can offer your love and eagerness to grow your relationship on a daily basis. Roses of lavender suggest an atmosphere of majesty and splendor.

Pink Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
Words such as admiration, gentleness, grace, joy, sweetness, and joy are just a few ways to describe the meaning behind the pink rose. A pink rose can also convey happiness, grace, and admiration, and can also be used as sympathy expression.

Orange Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
This bold and fiery bloom is often synonymous with desire, fascination, excitement, and energy. The orange rose with its meaning of admiration and excitement can say "I'm so proud of you." Orange roses evoke energy, orange roses can symbolize your passionate romance and share your excitement about your loved one's relationship.

Salmon Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
Salmon flowers are an orange color that is slightly pinker. Give salmon flowers as a manner to express someone's wish, and they're going to understand how you really feel.

Cream Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
While cream-colored flowers are very comparable to white, they do not have the same rose-colored meanings. Cream flowers are charming and thoughtful. They go well with flowers of pink "thank you" that enable you to send two emails in one bunch!

Black Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
The black rose is a mysterious flower that has many meanings to express. The black color was often associated with death and mourning and is normally used at funerals. But there is also a more favorable significance for black roses. They can stand for the start of new things and major change. By signaling the birth of a fresh age, black roses can inspire trust and can bring hope and bravery.

Blue Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
Blue roses are the mystery, the impossible, or the inaccessible. Give somebody a blue rose and you say "you're amazingly great and special."

Green Rose
Meaning of Rose Colors - Tree homes
Green is life's color, abundant development, and continual life and energy renewal. The green rose means that spirit and fertility are constantly rejuvenated. It can symbolize wealth, abundance, and abundance. Green is a very pleasant color as well.

Sunday 22 September 2019

Amaryllis Meaning & Symbolism | Treehomes

What is Amaryllis?

The name of the amaryllis is quite confusing. Amaryllis is the common name of Hippeastrum genus flowers. In the early nineteenth century, this genus was segregated from the Amaryllis genus. The Amaryllis genus, though, still exists today. The naked lady is the most prevalent species. Hippeastrum and Amaryllis, though the Hippeastrum has a hollow stem, have similar shapes.

Most individuals associate the bright red amaryllis with the holiday season because during this moment it is often gifted. While the most common colors for this flower are red and white, it is also available in pink, orange, yellow, and violet.

For horseman's star or knight's star, Hippeastrum is Greek because the flowers have a star-like shape. There are about 90 species and over 600 hybrids and cultivars in the genus Hippeastrum. It is indigenous to South America, the Caribbean, and Mexico's tropical areas.

The amaryllis came from the love Amaryllis had for Alteo, according to Greek mythology. A maiden, Amaryllis, falls in love with Alteo, the shepherd. He was powerful and beautiful and passionate about flowers. Amaryllis came to Delphi's Oracle for guidance to learn how to win his love.

On the instructions of Oracle, she stood thirty nights in front of Alteo's house piercing her heart with a golden arrow. A lovely flower grew out of her blood on the thirtieth night and helped her win the love of Alteo.
Amaryllis Meaning & Symbolism | Treehomes
Amaryllis Meaning
Meaning of the Amaryllis flower

Amaryllis can also imply success and is frequently given as hard-won accomplishment gifts. Amaryllis is the name of a Greek woman who implies "to shine."

It is certainly an Amaryllis flower that will draw attention to it. This beautiful flower will be an ideal eye-piece for your home or the bouquet that you have prepared for someone you love. Even in the past, these beautiful flowers were symbols of attention because they merely attracted the eyes of people when they were near.

Amaryllis flowers are just eye-catching and will definitely notice their presence in a bouquet. They are ideal flowers to give to someone inside and outside you discover a lovely individual.

Amaryllis Symbolism

A modified amaryllis shape is used as a sign of the disease of Huntington. The flower shape reflects the head and upper torso, which means how mental and physical functions are affected by Huntington's disease. The increasing flower also reflects hope and celebrates the accomplishments made in the therapy and research for disease in Huntington.

Amaryllis Facts

Amaryllis naked ladies and belladonna lilies are other popular names.
A bulb of amaryllis can live for up to 75 years.
Amaryllises are closely linked to lilies, which explains why many are lily-shaped.
amaryllis species develop flowers up to a diameter of six inches.
The flowers of. Amaryllis may attract carpenter bees. Bees are required for pollination by the flowers.
Amaryllises are often purchased around Christmas as options to the poinsettia.

Amaryllis Uses

Some Hippeastrum species are high in alkaloids, specifically alkaloids of isoquinoline. Alkaloids are organic compounds that have physiological impacts on humans, making them useful for medicinal products. Alkaloids from hippeastrum assistance with depression, seizures, and anxiety.

Saturday 21 September 2019

Symbolism and Meaning of Calla Lilies - Tree homes

Knowing that the calla lily flower does not belong to the true lilies family is essential. It's like the Lilly flower, but it's another flower sort. The calla lily flower originated in Africa, but it can be discovered throughout the globe today. These flowers enjoy good weather and elevated temperatures, but they are also very resistant and long-lasting, so they can withstand very low temperatures and even frost.

Most flowers are cut from the trees or crops that produce them as donations. These cut flowers operate well as short-lived symbols with a restricted lifespan, but they rapidly fade away and die. The Calla Lily is a floral gift that is both cuts and used in bouquets and provided as a live potted plant. If you use this plant as a symbol, find out what message you are sending.

Calla lilies are used for many occasions because of their beauty, including weddings and funerals. The versatility of Calla lilies is fully articulated in the Stage Door film by Katharine Hepburn.

Symbolism and Meaning of Calla Lilies - Tree homes
Meaning of Calla Lilies
Calla Lily Meaning

The calla lily was named for lovely— calla after the Greek word. It is linked to Hera, the Greek goddess. According to the legend, Zeus brought Hercules, his son from another woman, to his wife Hera as she slept to drink her milk. She pushed him away when she woke up, and milk drops flew across the sky to make the milky way. Those who fell on the floor became lovely lilies.

For calla lilies, however, the most prevalent significance is purity, holiness, and fidelity. It is frequently portrayed in Virgin Mary's pictures. Calla lilies are also symbols of rebirth and resurrection, partly because they bloom around Easter and partly because they are shaped like trumpets symbolizing triumph.

Although calla lily is most frequently white, it actually grows in a multitude of colors including pink, violet, yellow, and even black. The symbolism of Calla lily differs by color of the flower.

.White calla lilies symbolize innocence and purity.

.Pink calla lilies symbolize admiration and gratitude.
.Purple lilies of calla symbolize charm and passion.
.Yellow lines of calla symbolize appreciation.

Calla Lily Symbolism

When decorating for Easter or selecting a live plant to give as a gift for the holiday, most individuals first meet this flower. It is also used when hothouse samples are accessible around Christmas. This striking flower in a more general sense symbolizes Jesus ' resurrection to many individuals or just rebirth. Because of the dark foliage's white and waxy flowers, this flower has also gained a link with innocence and purity. It's only natural that it's also related to youth.

Uses of Calla Lily

You'll discover it has a lot of distinct uses with the Calla Lily. It is discovered in bouquets, although it has a kind of morbid significance to it. This is a costly flower, so it's going to cost a lot the bouquets in it. This flower is used in funerals as it is so lovely and in some of the cultures out there, it stands for death. Make sure you know this flower's significance before you offer it to someone, but it's going to look good and it's going to look lovely in bouquets and really look like a flower.

Sunflower Meaning and Symbolism - Tree homes

Sunflowers are as bright and cheerful as the sweet summer sun, hot and inviting. Sunflowers have an unmistakeable sun-like appearance with brilliant yellow petals, also known as "rays," making them a crowd favorite, particularly in the summer months. A number of varieties of sunflowers come. From tiny to very big, from yellow to red. There's more to sunflowers, though, than the eye can meet. While lovely, they are wealthy in history and significance as well.

Sunflowers originated 1,000 B.C. in the Americas. Then they were grown for centuries as a precious source of food. The popularity of the flower spread with the European exploration of the New World as the remainder of the globe started to enjoy its beauty and sustenance.

Sunflowers today stay a strongly known flower, admired for its sunny charm and enchanting disposition. For their plants, as well as oils used for cooking and skin emollients, these beauties are still produced. It is not surprising for a flower that represents so many of the beneficial features of the sun that individuals enjoy so much basking in the warming glow of the sunflower.
Sunflower Meaning and Symbolism - Tree homes
Meaning of Sunflower
Meaning of Sunflower

Sunflowers symbolize longevity, allegiance, and adoration. Much of the sunflowers ' significance comes from their title, the sun itself. These flowers are distinctive in that they are capable of providing energy in the form of nourishment and vibration— attributes that mirror the sun and the power that its heat and light provides.

The sunflower most frequently implies adoration and allegiance because of the myth of Clytie and Apollo. However, the meanings of sunflowers may differ across societies.

People in China associate lengthy life, excellent fortune, and vitality with sunflowers. Sunflowers depicted harvest, bounty, and supply to Native American communities because they supplied seeds, pigment, and more.

Sunflower Symbolism

The yellow color of the sunflower represents vitality, intelligence, and happiness. Traditionally, the yellow color also symbolizes friendship.

In different cultures, sunflowers also symbolize worship and faithfulness because of their similarity to the sun connected with spiritual awareness and the willingness to seek light and truth.

To symbolize the Sun God, the Incas used sunflowers and brought them to shrines for worship. Sunflowers were also worn by the priestesses on their clothes and as crowns.

Uses of Sunflower

The sunflower was used in many distinct respects throughout history. Originally grown by Native Americans, sunflowers were used for meat and medicine. The use of stem juice to treat injuries and infuse the plant in water to treat kidney and chest pain included medicinal uses.

Sunflowers are used for the production of vegetable oil. Native Americans may have been the first to acknowledge sunflower oil's magnificent characteristics. It was manufactured in mass in Russia much later.

Facts of Sunflower

.The Sunflower is indigenous to North America, but through export, it has spread all over the globe.

.Native Americans planted wild plants as a food source, but contemporary breeding has highlighted petal size and counts in many varieties of overseed manufacturing.

.Depending on the variation, the Sunflower can vary in height from six inches to more than 12 feet high.

Sunday 15 September 2019

The Meaning and Symbolism of Orchids | Tree homes

With over 25,000 species and over 97,000 varieties, orchids are the biggest flowering family. They are often cultivated or added to floral displays as houseplants. But not all orchids are beauties of the tropics. Wild orchids are growing all over the world and can be discovered on all continents except Antarctica. These flowers have gained their reputation as hard to develop, likely because of their need for filtered light and elevated relative humidity. Many types, one of the most famous orchids is the moth orchid that received its name from the fact that when they were first found by Swedish naturalist, Peter Osbeck, their flowers were first mistaken as moths.
Orchid Meaning and Symbolism - Tree homes
Orchid Meanings
Orchids (family Orchidaceae) got their name from the Greek term orchis, which means testicles. It was believed that their fleshy subterranean tubers looked like testicles, at least that was what the Greek botanist Theophrastos believed at the moment.

In ancient Greece, parents were thought to be able to choose their child's sex by eating the tubers of the orchid. The kid would turn out to be a male if the dad ate dense, fleshier tubers. The kid would turn out to be a woman if the mom ate lower, thinner tubers. Aztecs usually blended vanilla, an orchid type, with chocolate to make an elixir that gave energy and strength.
Orchids were only discovered in the tropics during the Victorian age and were highly uncommon. Therefore, as a sign of luxury and refined taste, Victorians would collect exotic orchids. The rarer the orchid was provided as a donation, the greater your love and enthusiasm for the recipient were. Orchids are considered symbols of integrity, elegance, and friendship in China.
The Symbolism Of Orchids & Colors

Often, orchids are believed to be the perfect flowers for those with extraordinary beauty, but at the same moment, they like simplicity, diligence and an inherent sense of design and aesthetics.

However, think closely when selecting colors when you plan to donate an orchid to a dear individual! While orchids have a reputation as symbols of fertility and elegance, various colored orchids have a variety of symbols.
.White orchids symbolize innocence, purity, and reverence.

.Femininity, grace and happiness symbolize pink orchids.

.Yellow orchids symbolize fresh beginnings and friendship. They create excellent gifts to celebrate an achievement for a friend.

.Purple orchids symbolize royalty and admiration, and as a sign of regard are traditionally provided.

.Orange orchids symbolize pride, excitement, and courage.
The Orchid Flower Facts
The size and shape of orchid crops and flowers vary. Many grow in the tropical forest understory, creating delicate flowers in a broad range of colors. While some are small plants, only a few inches tall, others grow on towering trees like the Vanilla orchid. The orchid of Vanilla is indigenous to Mesoamerica where it was grown by the Totonac Indians. The vanilla orchid emerged from Princess Xanat's blood when she and her lover were beheaded for disobeying the desires of her father, according to ancestral Totonaco legend.

Although the Chinese have been growing orchids for over 3,000 years, tourists to the Far East brought orchids to Europe only in the 1600s. Orchids were reared from seed by 1802 and the first hybrid was grown was created by 1856.

The Cultural Importance Of The Orchid

Confucius admired the orchid and wrote a lot of poems about the exotic flower and compared them to noble scholars ' personality. Orchids were the subject of many of his literary and philosophical works and formed the basis of his moral teachings.

In the forest, the orchids develop and they let out their fragrance even if there is nobody around to enjoy it. Similarly, noble people will not allow poverty to prevent their willingness to be guided by strong values and morals.

Orchid Uses
Orchids are widely used in perfumes and aromatherapy and are known for their fragrance. Vanilla extract is actually derived from the Vanilla orchid plant, a commonly used flavor enhancer in sweets and baked goods.

The orchid also has medicinal uses. The orchid has been grown in China for thousands of years and is used as a natural remedy for coughs, kidney, lung, stomach, and eye diseases.

Orchids are also thought to be powerful aphrodisiacs, and for this purpose, many cultures, including Greece and China, eat the bulbs.

Thursday 12 September 2019

Asters: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Aster Flowers | Tree homes

Asters are perennials with starry-shaped flower heads that are daisy-like. In late summer and autumn, when many of your other summer flowers may fade, they give delightful color to the garden. There are many aster species and varieties, so the height of the plant, depending on the form, can range from 8 inches to 8 feet.

Aster is one of the latest blooming nectar crops for bees and butterflies in gardens, wildflowers meadows, and roadsides. For this purpose, they should be a cornerstone in any pollinator garden.
Asters: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Aster Flowers | Tree homes
Aster flower
How to Grow and Care

Plant the whole sun to divide the sun into loamy, well-draining soil. Keep fresh plants moist and water until blooms stop. Appropriate aster care involves watering at the base and not sprinkling the leaves. It promotes powdery mildew and other fungal diseases to get water or fertilizer on the leaves. Organic mulch can keep in moisture as it breaks down and supply nutrients. Apply aster stems within a couple of inches, but not against them. Fertilize increasing asters around once a month with balanced plant food.

In the manner of maintenance, asters need little. Aster care may include deadheading for more flowers and sometimes involves powdery mildew control. The autumn or spring division of aster flowers, removing and discarding the center clump, most readily prevents this disease. With insecticidal sprays and soaps, powdery mildew can also be regulated if applied early and regularly during the growing season. Powdery mildew does not generally cause permanent harm to aster flowers but should be monitored for aesthetic reasons.

They involve little watering once asters are formed unless circumstances are exceptionally dry and the crops demonstrate indications of stress. And may need to be watered more frequently during the summer, particularly in free-drying soils. Keep wet, but not saturated soil. Mulching to decrease the loss of water is a significant approach for disease prevention.

Several times before mid-July, pinching back stems or deadheading helps to regulate plant height, foster company, and encourage flowering throughout the season. If you want your asters to self-sow, leave a few wilted flowers at the end of the season.